You’ve Found Safe Way Out. Now What? 

We understand that none of what’s happening right now is easy. Know that we will listen to your specific situation and hear where you’re coming from.  Our job is to meet you exactly where you are right now emotionally and help you feel comfortable, safe, and secure—especially in your own home.

You’re on your way to better days.

Once you’ve connected with Safe Way Out and have scheduled your home visit, here are a few things you can do to prepare:

To get started, please complete our waiver.

  • Safe Way Out helps those who are in fear for their physical safety from an abuser, stalker, violent attacker, etc.

  • Expect a call from one of our trained volunteers who will listen to you with empathy. To formulate the best plan of action, we’ll ask key questions and encourage you to tell us as much as possible. Even details that seem small can be very important in our approach to your case.  We kindly ask that you please keep all information relevant to your security and safety.

  • Our volunteers are compassionate and are there to help you feel safe. Please understand we are not certified counselors or legal advocates but we will do everything in our power to help you be safe. A typical “house call” is roughly two hours. We kindly ask that you assist our volunteers in any way you can so the process is streamlined and the job is to the best of our ability.

  • When an appointment is made, you will be given an estimated time of arrival. A volunteer will coordinate with you an exact time the day of and give you at least an hour’s notice prior to coming.

  • Please have note taking ability handy to help you remember all the information being passed.

  • Make every effort to clear your schedule to accommodate your appointment. If possible, have someone watch your children during the visit or be sure they are occupied.  We will NEVER say why we’re there in front of your children. But if you choose to have them participate, we do encourage that.  


When we arrive at your home, we will conduct a thorough security assessment and walkthrough. At that time, we’ll be noting vulnerable areas where someone might try to gain entry. Then, we’ll work with you to sure up these areas with:

  • Security solutions such as alarms, door security bars, cameras, and more!
    Potential changes to your routine and suggestions for staying vigilant during times when you’re not home.

  • Guidance on how to familiarize yourself with the technology we provide and instructions on how to utilize them every day.

  • Instruction and practice on basic self-defense tactics. If this has the potential to trigger trauma, we will wait until you are comfortable to complete this phase of self-protection.

The more you’re involved with safety and security planning, the better the result will be.

Safe Way Out’s guide for conducting your own security assessment includes recommendations of security measures.

Just a few more things you can do:

  • Commit to utilizing every piece of equipment we give you to stay safe.

  • Know your WIFI password and device information for security camera set-up

  • Dress comfortably and clear out one small area for training

We promise we will get through this together. Safe Way Out is here to stay in touch and guide you even after we leave your home.